Clark County Property Solutions


Have you tried to get a home loan,
but so far the lenders keep telling you
they'd like to help, but you just don't qualify?

You're not alone. At all.

It wasn't that long ago banks were loaning
to just about anyone, and now they demand
top credit scores, higher down payments,
and no black spots on your financial history.
Even with the low interest rates, many people aren't able to save up for a down payment if they do manage to qualify, and with the price of homes continually rising - it keeps getting more and more out of reach.


In addition to properties that we have in our portfolio, we continually increase our inventory as we assist homeowners in resolving their own property challenges.

So, you need a home. Let's find a solution!

First, we're going to need to know the
kinds of things you're looking for in a home.
Be as specific as you can with the form below.

The more we know the better the chances
of finding a house that fits your needs and
getting you the keys so you can call it Home.

We're here to help you...

Contact info:


When do you need a house?

Terms available:
Down Payment: $
Monthly Payment: $

How soon can you close?

Property description:

Location: $ , WA
Price range: $ to $
Size: Acreage House sq. ft.
Features: Bedrooms

Type: Ranch 2 Story Townhouse
Condo Manufactured Other:

Age of Home:
Condition of property:

Any other comments/considerations?

In your words -
describe the property and home you want:

All information is confidential.
Please verify email address before you

© Clark County Property Solutions, LLC