Independence Day

Independence Day:liberty 220x165
a Declaration of Independence
is nothing unless we continue
to ACT independent
of our government.

The same holds true today
as it did 233 years ago.

If our forefathers could see
what we have done with the
liberty their lives have paid for,
I wonder if those brave revolutionists
would ever have signed the
Declaration of Independence -
knowing that it would be
their death warrant.

With the rights we have been given,
comes the responsibility to keep them
and practice them for ourselves
as well as our fellow citizens.

When we become lazy and begin taking the attitude
“it’s not my fault – not my problem” and expect a
government to fill the void where hard work,
helping hands, and compassion should be -
in time that same government will completely rule us.

Day by day, we are allowing one form of tyranny
to replace the one that we are this day celebrating
a Declaration of Independence FROM…

As I’ve said before,
and will continue to say now more than ever:
this country was made great by WE the People
of the United States of America -
not the government in rule.

So this Independence Day weekend
I hope that you will do more than support foreign
communist governments with vast fireworks purchasing
(make your own! :p) and take a moment (better a lifetime)
to remember what it was that our forefathers died for and
what generations have continued to bleed and perish to keep:
Our Freedom FROM a controlling government.