If you can’t say something nice – look harder


“If you can’t say something nice,
don’t say anything at all.”

My Mom used to say this when I was a kid,
and I was again reminded of it the other day
while on the phone with someone who
had very little nice to say.… —-> Continue…

What is your purpose? Does it show??


The subject of PURPOSE came up twice for me today,
so I felt compelled to take bit of time to pass it on to you.

Because I’m a giver like that  :)

One of the more intriguing and convicting questions
that I have often pondered where people are concerned
is whether they live a life of Purpose or a life of Pleasure.… —-> Continue…

Are you STILL laying on the nail?

It’s hard to know where to begin.
Then again, it usually is – and that’s
the very reason I’m stopped so
many times from writing you.

So much to say – and so much in the way…
If it weren’t for that nail, tonight would be just another
missed opportunity to talk with you.… —-> Continue…

About your balanced Life – PART 3

Breakfast time.

Time to fuel your body for the day.

It’s the most important meal of the day, right?

This is a tricky one, because there is SO much
conflicting information that is available out there.

What I’m going to start out with are a few basics.… —-> Continue…

NO GOOD DEED goes unpunished… Really?


I was reminded again tonight of something
that my brother said to me not too long ago.
“No good deed goes unpunished.”

I’ve heard that phrase before, but
haven’t really understood the meaning.

So tonight, as all good Americans do – I checked The Internet!… —-> Continue…

Read ONLY if you care about yourself…

The other day I was talking with a client
who has read several of my writings,
and he shared with me something which
he believed about people and their health.

In short:
If a person doesn’t really care about themselves,
they aren’t going to take good care of  themselves.… —-> Continue…


I am conducting an experiment.

If you would like to know what it is -
please drop me a line for details!


You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2