You are where you are. Where will you go from here?

I tried explaining to my son the other night
that we are where we are right now in Life,
and that nothing can be done to change
anything in the past that has led us here.

We can share how we feel about what’s
happened in the past – but no amount of
complaining, cursing, or causing challenges
in the present will have any effect on history.… —-> Continue…

Do you like the way it hurts?

A while ago now I caught
the opening lines to a song:

“Just gonna stand there
and watch me burn
that’s alright because
I like the way it hurts…”

For those of you who know
the rest of the song,
or even know what the song is about -
you’ll have to forgive me:
this is the only part I heard.… —-> Continue…

Thank You for being my Friend

You know that supposedly unwritten rule
that says you don’t date your best friend’s ex ?
Well, in high school I was introduced to
my best friend’s girlfriend’s best friend.
(That’s a mouth full)

And as it happens when people
date people who share friendships -
my best friend’s girlfriend would often ask things
about him of me, and I’d inquire the same of her friend.… —-> Continue…

Almost… doesn’t come close

I heard a commercial the other day
that talked about how several people
almost gave a man this or that…
and because of it, he almost
made it through the night alive.

The point of the commercial was this:
Don’t “almost” give.… —-> Continue…

How well do your excuses work?

I’m sitting here procrastinating something
that many people actually enjoy.
Singing; more specifically karaoke style.
I found a place in Vancouver that has Karaoke Night,
and was informed that their karaoke begins at 9pm.
It is 9:23 and here I sit typing you !… —-> Continue…

Is your Life a resting place or a testing place?

There are many reasons to bring this to you tonight.
Some old, some new, some recent, and those
that are all too frequent and familiar.

I’m sure you’ve had moments where you’ve
thought that things just couldn’t get any worse.
Murphy’s Law, right?… —-> Continue…

What will you do for your Dreams?

So here it is – a rant a few of you have
heard me share, brought to you live,
uncensored and unsponsored !

How many of you have seen the movie “Up” ?
Cute movie. Unless you’re like me and get
something totally different than intended.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2