What will you do for your Dreams?

So here it is – a rant a few of you have
heard me share, brought to you live,
uncensored and unsponsored !

How many of you have seen the movie “Up” ?
Cute movie. Unless you’re like me and get
something totally different than intended.… —-> Continue…

This will hurt me… more than it will hurt you

I was a bit choked up that night
after I put my son to bed and we’d
kissed each other goodnight.
I almost made it to the door
when his little voice said
“I love you, Dad”

Looking back at the morning’s events,
I’d carried a heavy heart through the day.… —-> Continue…

Sometimes… sometimes you just might hear back











On a business trip in my early days
as a budding entrepreneur, I stopped
at a Shari’s restaurant in Tacoma, WA.
(Shari’s is my favorite 24hr place to hang when
I want to think, write, and think some more) .… —-> Continue…

What do you have to fear?

I remember I had bought
candy bars for the other kids
in class the day they had the
school dance back in grade school.

I left the candy bars on their desks,
and tape recorded the dance while
I hid under a desk – afraid to go into
the gym where the dance was being held.… —-> Continue…

Is what you say what you mean?

So how well do you think you know what
the people in your World are saying?
Do you know if that’s what they meant??

There are a handful of commercials from a cell phone
company that give examples of how a dropped call
can really ruin a conversation.… —-> Continue…

Do what you like, or Like what you do


My hat is off to the person at the great and wise
Fortune Cookie Factory who wrote this:

” You will enjoy true in whatever you do. “

Now, I’m not 100% sure what they intended,
so I’m going to go with the first thought I had:

The secret to success lies not
in doing what one likes,
but in liking what one does.
—-> Continue…

If evil really existed…

If there were an evil force in this world,
it’s best line of attack wouldn’t be a
full frontal assault, but rather a series
of challenges, failures and setbacks.
It would use such tactics as distraction,
disease, false hope, disappointment,
self sabotage, and most of all – fear.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2