What if you only had one shot?

“Look, if you had one shot,
or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted;
One moment -
Would you capture it,
or just let it slip?”

It’s been a few years since this song hit the scene;
“Lose Yourself” (Buy the Original or Clean version)

So let’s get one thing straight -
this whole “If you had one shot”;

I want to know how many of you believe this.

Now, I should start out by saying something
my Dad used to tell us kids growing up.
“I’m not talking just to hear myself talk!”
(usually uttered when we were in trouble)

Now, where were we.
Ah yes, you were wondering about this:
“If you had one shot”

Read it again.

“Look, if you had one shot,
or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted;
One moment -
Would you capture it,
or just let it slip?”

I’m thinking a LOT of people
can look back and recall where
they had a chance, an opportunity
that could have changed their lives.
And I also know that some people will say
they’ve never had an opportunity in their Life;
that they can never seem to get a “break”.
Most, I think, are secretly hoping & waiting.

For those not completely cynical & bitter
who have not given up hope that your Life
will turn around and your ship will come in -
I’d like to ask you why you’re still looking
for that one shot, that one opportunity.

I appreciate your optimism, don’t get me wrong.
if you’re limiting yourself to this one magical moment
where all your dreams come true
no wonder you haven’t found it yet.

Opportunity rarely exists within the walls we build,
nor is it often cloaked in garments of familiarity.

Not to be dismissive nor cast down on anyone’s
intelligence, but we all too often look for opportunity
thinking & believing we know what it looks like.

So that’s why ‘m going to start out being disagreeable
to the lyrics I started with: “If you had one shot”


And only ONE shot?!???

Well, if you’re only looking for one shot,
no wonder it’s going to be hard to find.
My guess is you’re passing by countless other
opportunities as your looking for your “one shot”.
(unless you’re just hoping & waiting it will come to you)

Puh leeeeez…

So let’s run with this whole thought.

“Look, if you had one shot,
or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted;
One moment -
Would you capture it,
or just let it slip?”

The good news…
Scratch that.

The GREAT news is that there ARE
more opportunities surrounding you
than you even know what to do with.
That you do not recognize them
does not mean they don’t exist.
Like so many things, they are merely
out of YOUR sight – out of your vision.

It’s like you and I sitting at a coffee shop,
and you ask me why I’m drinking out of a cup.
Because you’re sitting across from me,
you do not see the handle.
So, in your world, it is a cup – not a mug.

If you rely only on what YOU see
and what you perceive in Life -
your vision will always be lacking.

Here is the bad news.
(Back to the lyrics we go.)

This part here:

“…Would you capture it,
or just let it slip?”


“Let it slip” is the correct answer.
99% of the time.

Because most of us try to “capture”
opportunity with a fishing pole, at best.

Now, when I think of the word capture,
I think of a wild untamed beast that
does not want to be caught.

Enter: fishing pole.
What do most people do?
Heck, they just throw the line out there
and run like heck away from the beast !
And they sit in the corner, hoping & waiting.

Dictionary.com says:
“1. to take by force or stratagem; take prisoner; seize:
The police captured the burglar. ”

So let me boil this down and save you some time.
I probably should have just started with this so you
could get back to whatever it was you were doing.
(Who knows, maybe fishing ;)P )

One shot or one thousand shots
they will ALL continue to slip by
until you hunt them down
and capture them.

And whatever thoughts & voices might be
in your head right now that are convincing
you that this really doesn’t apply in your case
- are the very things that keep you blind…

