When the fireworks fade
After the fireworks fade,
and the last bottle rocket lands
I hope you will take a moment
followed by every moment
to question your Freedom.
If you’ve never sat down and read
the Declaration of Independence,
I would encourage you to do so.
You may very well be inspired
by what you find there!
Then look at your life and the lives of
those around you and weigh how much
the words written over 240 years ago
ring true in the society of today.
If you see us moving backward as a Nation,
I hope you will – each and every one of you -
take a stand for the accountability of those
leading and moving this Country away from
it’s defining Constitution into a land being
dragged toward it’s oppressive roots.
Because if we don’t do what we can soon enough,
the day will come when what we can do won’t be enough…