Is it time to get rid of your TV yet?


Every so often when I take
the time away from Life to
visit a moment with the reality
that is portrayed on television -
I see why so many people use it
as an escape the the real World.
It explains and reveals in so many
ways how disconnected, misled,
disillusioned, and apathetic
this country has become.
It reminds me again
why I sold my TV
in 1989.

Not long ago it came  up in conversation
that I didn’t watch “Friends” or “Seinfeld”
when they were on the air – and the
response was very intriguing to me.
It was something to the effect of
“What have you been doing with your life?”
As if… I had missed out on Life because
I wasn’t watching TV like everyone else.

The question I have to that is;
Why have you been avoiding Life?

If you and I were to actually spend more time -
prime time, if you will, in real life – REAL LIFE,
we might actually see what really happens
in this Life we disappear from so frequently.
And… we may even see things – things that
concern us, things that frighten us, things
that make us happy, and make us sad.
We might possibly see things as they are
rather than how they are portrayed to be.
This may lead to actually DOING something
about the reality around us – the reality
that we are in yet blinded to.

I hate to sound like a broken record,
but I really really really think it would
if we paid more attention to our neighbor
(which in my World is pretty much those
within our reach on any given day) and
less less less time being programmed
by those whose best interests aren’t yours.

Call me crazy – but we’re being duped and
sold a bill of goods that is BAD FOR US
virtually everywhere we  go through
many means of sight and sound.

Which reminds me -
in case you hadn’t had a chance
to read this piece, it ties in nicely:
What Are You Feeding Your Mind

Now, I’m going to leave you with a thought.

How much is it costing you NOT to be careful
and attentive to what you see & hear, and
are you willing to pay that price?