My hero for the day!

I found my hero for the day.

And this is how it happened.
I’m standing in a store and
this guy comes in and he’s
looking for something.
I don’t even know what it
was or if he found it,
but before he left has asked
of everyone present:
“Do you know anyone
with a house for rent?”

Those present did not,
and then he asked;
“Do you have any newspapers here?”
He was informed they did not sell newspapers there.
“Do any of you have any -
did you bring one in with you?”
No one did, but I did suggest he stop at
the nearest Starbucks just up the road
because I was fairly sure that they would have
a few that had been left there by customers
who like to read their paper over coffee.

As he was leaving, I heard him say
“Living in a Winnebago with 5 people kind of sucks.”

And, I can’t believe I said this -
but I looked at him, smiled, and said;
“I’ll bet you could leave off the “kind of” !
His eyes met mine, and I could tell
he knew I felt his pain…

Little did he know he had inspired me,
and I couldn’t wait to share this with YOU :)

This was yet another example of living a life
less ordinary moving towards extraordinary.
It is a reminder to stop wondering what might
and start making wonderful things happen.

Now, I’ve got to get something off my chest -
and I hope none of you get offended.
It might take a minute -
I’m trying to figure out just the right way
to say “Most people act so namby pamby and
meelie mouthed – like they need to apologize
for speaking up or asking for what they want.”
I don’t want to seem insensitive, so I won’t say that !

So let’s take a different approach.

What if you got what you asked for?

And speaking of asking,
may I ask what it is that you think
is “OK” or “approriate” to ask others -
and then will you tell me why ?

Let that roll around your head for a bit.
If you follow this sidetrack, you may just
discover something as revealing as it
is limiting about yourself regarding the
things you will ask for – and what you won’t.

Years ago I was involved in a seminar in which
part of one assignment was to come up with things
that were unreasonable and beyond comfort -
especially in the area of asking others.
It was actually this type of thinking and acting
that was responsible for my being privately
sponsored in the first 10K I ever ran !
I even ended up with a little extra $$$ :)

One of the biggest things I got out of this
experience was that people want to help people.
They really do.  Think back to a time when
you were able to reach out and help someone.
Felt good, didn’t it ?
To be able to contribute to the Life of another
and make a difference holds a reward all it’s own.
(Stop stealing this from people who want to help!)

Yet most people have been brought up to think
that there is great pride to be able to do
everything yourself – that it means you are
a better person if you can “Do it all.”
However, history shows us time after time that
those who enlist the support of others in their
endeavors have accomplished and achieved the most.
Those who go beyond the “normal” and “acceptable”
and reach instead for what is or may be possible -
they are rewarded for that which they purse;
not what they continually pass up or believe
may be “too much to ask” or “unreasonable”.

All in all, any time I have practiced this in earnest
- and done so with hope, yet without attachement
to any one response; I have been floored with
the things that have come about as a result.
And those who I’ve been able to share in their own
experiences of having done so – simply incredible.

So let’s pretend there is no limit
to what we can ask of Life and
those who share it with us.

And here’s a little secret -
about that thing I asked you
to let roll around in your head?
Let’s imagine
that you’re worth it
and that you deserve it.

So I’m going to say something I’ve said
time and time again in hopes it sinks in.

In this Life – this one life we have to live -
most of us give up and in too soon and play small.
We don’t ask for more, and we expect so much less.

Practice living a bold and amazing life;
request of this World and we who live in it
the means with which to build your dreams.

If we never ask, we’ll never get:
and if we shoot for the stars
we might just get the moon…

would be a good time to be completely excited at
the possibilities and opportunities that await you.