Read ONLY if you care about yourself…

The other day I was talking with a client
who has read several of my writings,
and he shared with me something which
he believed about people and their health.

In short:
If a person doesn’t really care about themselves,
they aren’t going to take good care of  themselves.

Though recently I have focused my time and energy
into the more tangible areas of health, none of that
will make a difference to those who do not
hold a healthy image of themselves.

I mean really – if I don’t care whether or not
I’m going to die in 10 years, why bother ?
If there is nothing in my Life worth living for,
why take care of it ?

You won’t hear many people say this out loud,
nor will most people even say it to themselves.
Many won’t even think it…

But look around.
Read the news.
Look at the statistics.
A LOT of people are in bad shape !

And no matter what you and I try to share with them that
would make their life better – they will not embrace it;
because they do not and will not accept & embrace themselves.

Here’s what I know that they don’t, and I know this from experience.
Let me be that small voice that they may not be hearing;

…because you’re worth it.

You are.

I heard it said well nearly 25 years ago by a fellow by the name of Zig Ziglar.
(R.I.P. my UnMet Friend & Life game changer)
He had said: “If you had a million dollar racehorse,
would you keep it up all night letting it eat junk food,
smoke cigarettes, drink booze, and watch TV?”

Of course you wouldn’t !

You’d find him the best veterinarian and
feed him the most nutritious and healthiest food.
You’d provide him the best trainer and
make sure he got plenty of exercise.
You would go out of your way make sure
that million dollar racehorse was treated
like a million dollar racehorse!

But what about that billion dollar body…
and that priceless mind?”

Well, How are you treating it, my Friend ?

I just can’t picture a million dollar racehorse
eating a microwaved pizza with a 6 pack of beer,
while smoking a cigarette & watching some reality TV show.
Except… maybe Mr. Ed. (And I lied – I CAN picture it !)


There are only 2 reasons:
1) They don’t know any better
2) They don’t care enough to do better

So,  I really wanted to make this short.
Bottom line is – whether you realize it or not -
your physical health IS connected to your mental health.

How you think and feel about yourself
will be reflected by how you treat yourself.

If you know something is good for you,
why wouldn’t you include it in your life ?

Really take a look at whatever answer you have for this.

I’m worth fresh green beans
- instead of frozen or canned.
I’m worth sliced apples
- instead of processed & sugar filled Apple Jacks.
I’m worth breathing fresh air into my lungs
- without carcinogens & chemicals.
I’m worth knowing what is harming my body
- and what I can do to counteract it.
I’m worth at least a half hour of exercise a day
- to boost the cardiovascular.
I’m worth learning the truth
- instead of what outside influences want me to believe.

I’m worth the time and effort it takes to learn
what IS good for me
instead of going after
the convenient, familiar, and popular.

My Mom used to (heck, she probably still does!) have a saying.

“You know better than that!”

This usually came right after my brother or I did something that was,
well – probably not the brightest idea or we did something without really
thinking about it, OR simply because we wanted to do it any way.
You know how kids are.

You and I are adults.

I can’t say that you know better than that -
because I know what the popular and common belief systems are.

All I can do is share what I’ve found because I care about YOU -
and hope that YOU care about you enough to want to know.

And don’t make me mom-oldies
bring my Mom in here…
