It could be said of this Life
that we are part of a grand experiment -
full of tests, failures, successes; all to be
placed under the heading  called RESULTS.

Look at your own Life.

How do you like the results you’re getting
in the very tests & trials that you experience?

I’ll be covering more later, but for now
this piece of information should be helpful.
At the very least, it will eliminate what you
may well now believe to be a limiting factor.

Put yourself in the position of being a scientist.
What does a scientist do?
They run experiments.
They gather data & examine results.
That’s a bit of a nutshell version,
but really, that’s it boiled down.

A good scientist won’t be biased,
nor will they be attached to a specific outcome.
They won’t take the results they find personally -
they will study & observe it, process it,
and move onto the next set of tests.

Well, you are the scientist of your Life -
and you are being tested daily.

If you do not like the results you see -
do not take it personally,
do not blame anyone, and
do not blame anything.

Look at the data.
Find out what can be done
to achieve different results.

Take action.

Repeat until the desired results are obtained.


That should keep you busy ;)