Would you have stopped?

It’s dark out and I’m driving with my
son across the 205 bridge from
Portland to Vancouver. Actually,
I’m doing all the driving – his legs
are too short to reach the pedals
and he doesn’t have a license yet.

All of a sudden the car stalls
and the engine stops.… —-> Continue…

Choose your words carefully… Please and Thank you :)

If a friend of yours,
or someone you respected
told you that you looked sick
today, would you believe them ?
If a complete stranger told you
that you looked sick today
would you believe them ?
If a half a dozen people told you
that you looked sick today
would you believe them ?… —-> Continue…


It could be said of this Life
that we are part of a grand experiment -
full of tests, failures, successes; all to be
placed under the heading  called RESULTS.

Look at your own Life.

How do you like the results you’re getting
in the very tests & trials that you experience?… —-> Continue…

Just what the doctor ordered; to die or deviate?

The news came tonight that Dad’s latest chemo treatment
will be taking away his hair, so he got a buzz cut yesterday.

It is… absolutely baffling as it is infuriating that the
majority of people accept their doctor’s standard
protocol for “curing” cancer as THE best course of action.… —-> Continue…

About your balanced Life – PART 3

Breakfast time.

Time to fuel your body for the day.

It’s the most important meal of the day, right?

This is a tricky one, because there is SO much
conflicting information that is available out there.

What I’m going to start out with are a few basics.… —-> Continue…

Is it time to get rid of your TV yet?


Every so often when I take
the time away from Life to
visit a moment with the reality
that is portrayed on television -
I see why so many people use it
as an escape the the real World.
It explains and reveals in so many
ways how disconnected, misled,
disillusioned, and apathetic
this country has become.… —-> Continue…

You are what you eat – and How!

plate-w-knife-350-2It was blood. Mine.

My son and I stopped at a place I probably shouldn’t name
to reward ourselves with a Caramel Apple Frosty™ Parfait
and a Wild Berry Frosty™ Parfait.  I had the caramel apple :)
About 1/3 of the way into it, I saw a bit of what looked
like maybe some red apple peel on the spoon. … —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2