Make your mark… and make it count


Do you know why I want more for you?
Do you know why I stay up at night, often pushing past into the hours of the morning?
Because you can reach more people and make a bigger difference in this world than I can.
Pretty selfish, huh?
Yes. I am using you.
That’s my goal, anyway.

Because if I can get you to a point where you actually come face to face with what you are capable of, and open your eyes to what is available to you – I know you will share it with others.

You see, deep down inside I believe in people;
I have faith that they would rather do good.

If people knew they could make a positive and meaningful difference in the life of a fellow human being -
I still hold onto the hope that they would.

There is something else that I know – just as many of you have experienced.
It is the ultimate joy and deepest fulfilment to climb out of your comfort zone and pull another from the sinking sands of despair and need.

The bottom line reason more people turn a blind eye to the plight of those around them is because they don’t think they can do anything. And… I say this because I refuse to believe that people have become too cold and uncaring – too caught up in themselves to bother with “them”.
Feeling helpless and inadequate is not a pleasant feeling; I don’t wish it on anyone.
People want to feel happy, no secret there.
So they build a life inside walls and decorate it with pictures and programming that make them feel good.
They wrap themselves within familiarity and fantasy, while the real world hopes and prays it will be seen.

I am sad that they don’t see themselves any bigger.

I’ll admit it – I get excited when I look at you.
Do you have any idea what possibilities to move mountains surround you?
I mean – the day you get a clue as to what you are capable of and how much you really can do that you’ve thought was beyond you; the real and lasting joy of pouring pieces of your life into endeavors that will last for generations to come…
Nothing compares.
You may even give up your TV remote!

Make your mark.
Leave a history that will echo for future generations to come.
Join the ranks of those in this world who have grasped that they deserve a Life worthy of living – worthy of greater passions and desires.
Worthy of stepping outside of themselves and reaching out to those around them.

Stop listening to any voice -
especially your own
that says you can’t.


I pray you do
and soon.


