Thank You for being my Friend

You know that supposedly unwritten rule
that says you don’t date your best friend’s ex ?
Well, in high school I was introduced to
my best friend’s girlfriend’s best friend.
(That’s a mouth full)

And as it happens when people
date people who share friendships -
my best friend’s girlfriend would often ask things
about him of me, and I’d inquire the same of her friend.… —-> Continue…

Rise to your Life…

I often wonder
what you were doing before
you started reading this.

Taking a quick break from work perhaps, or maybe
getting caught up on emails and such just before bed.
Perhaps you’re peering over
your morning cup of coffee.

The reason I ask is because
I wonder where your mind is -
and what you might be expecting
to find between the words and the lines..… —-> Continue…

Do what you like, or Like what you do


My hat is off to the person at the great and wise
Fortune Cookie Factory who wrote this:

” You will enjoy true in whatever you do. “

Now, I’m not 100% sure what they intended,
so I’m going to go with the first thought I had:

The secret to success lies not
in doing what one likes,
but in liking what one does.
—-> Continue…

This will hurt me… more than it will hurt you

I was a bit choked up that night
after I put my son to bed and we’d
kissed each other goodnight.
I almost made it to the door
when his little voice said
“I love you, Dad”

Looking back at the morning’s events,
I’d carried a heavy heart through the day.… —-> Continue…

Almost… doesn’t come close

I heard a commercial the other day
that talked about how several people
almost gave a man this or that…
and because of it, he almost
made it through the night alive.

The point of the commercial was this:
Don’t “almost” give.… —-> Continue…

How well do your excuses work?

I’m sitting here procrastinating something
that many people actually enjoy.
Singing; more specifically karaoke style.
I found a place in Vancouver that has Karaoke Night,
and was informed that their karaoke begins at 9pm.
It is 9:23 and here I sit typing you !… —-> Continue…

What do you have to fear?

I remember I had bought
candy bars for the other kids
in class the day they had the
school dance back in grade school.

I left the candy bars on their desks,
and tape recorded the dance while
I hid under a desk – afraid to go into
the gym where the dance was being held.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2