What Is Your Intention Today?

What is your intention today?
Did you have one this morning,
or is much of your life casual
and on cruise control?

Every beautiful moment of your life
will pass and if you continue leaving
the life you desire to chance -
it will pass you by indifferently.… —-> Continue…

Is Your Day To Day a Reflection of Yesterday?


If you find yourself often
achieving undesirable results in Life,
look at the decisions you’ve made.
When you made them,
most likely they seemed like
a good idea at the time -
much like the ones
you make today… Right?

Maybe you should ask yourself;
“What am I basing this decision on?”

How far out of your own self are you stepping;
and have you looked at it objectively and unattached??… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2