I’m glad you made it here!

I’ve been waiting to ask you:
Have you ever wondered if there might be something more to Life or something more worthy OF your Life than what your day after day brings?
Have you ever wanted to do something extraordinary with your Life here on Earth?

What if…living your Life IS the biggest thing you could do with it?
Then the real question becomes; How are you living your Life?
What are you doing with the day by day and the moment by moments that you receive?

Because at some point, the priorities of your Life need to reflect the path of your dreams and desires; your passions and Purpose.
This statement, if you can truly understand and embrace it for yourself, will cause your Life to be transformed:


This collection of thoughts is dynamic in content as it is in design and will continue to change & evolve.  The goal is to bring you, in and between the lines, both the inspiration and building blocks to create a Life worthy of your life…


Let It Be…


Can you find peace?
Sorry. Wrong question.
WILL you find peace?
Still not right.
Will you allow peace?
There. That’s more like it.

It’s actually easier to find than you might think – the tougher task is that our focus tends to drift toward everything that ISN’T “it”, sometimes by choice – most times our unawareness.… —-> Continue…

Your “UnDo” List…

We look around and admire
those who have achieved
things we only dream;
accomplished feats
and attained a life
beyond our imagination.

Most of us would like to attribute their success to some thing
- some ability that we do not have;
something that is beyond our reach and grasp to attain… or just luck.… —-> Continue…

The Spirit of Christmas


I’d like you to take a moment and recall your favorite Christmas ever.

Just hang out there for  bit – no rush to get away;
see it… hear it… smell it… taste it…
Be there in every way.

Be present to the joy, happiness, gratitude, peace, and love.… —-> Continue…

Saving YOU looks like…?

The story has been told about a man
who was at home taking a nap,
when suddenly there was a frantic
pounding on his front door.
Opening the door, a young boy
hurriedly informed him that a flood
was coming and that he needed
to evacuate immediately.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2