Let me hear your Song…

I’m at the Salvation Army thrift store
standing in line to purchase a small
dresser I’d found to help organize
what is my clothing chaos.

And I see him.
If one were to judge him by appearance,
they might say he had run out of luck
long ago and spent much time amongst the
out of work and possibly even the homeless.

So it was a bit odd to see him walk over
to the somewhat dilapidated looking piano
that was sitting by the door – begging
for a nice place to call Home.

He approached it slowly,
touching the old wood
as if touching the hand
of a fine elderly Lady.

He sat down on the bench, which
gave a small creak and sigh of
pleasure for the attention.

The sound of keys a bit out of tune
began to ring out quietly at first,
as if  afraid of what he might or might not hear.

He looked furtively around him -
perhaps wondering if someone might
at any moment tell him to stop.

Tenderly and gingerly at first,
considerate of the aged keys
his tune began to breathe.

I caught a surprised smile cross
the faces of a few around me as
what started out as shy hands
began moving across the keys
with an experience well hidden
beneath the baggy coat
and worn sleeves.

It was beautiful how quickly
the fires of passion overcame
any fear and trepidation.
His fingers floated freely now
across the keyboard – oblivious
to all but the music in his soul
that would not be denied this moment.

It was magnificent… moving…
it was almost surreal that it
was happening before my eyes.

When at last the piece released,
and the final notes satisfied -
his eyes closed for a moment
and all around him was still.

He quietly closed the lid,
his brief ebony and ivory affair over,
and melted back into the midst
of his unsuspecting audience.

I paid for the furnishing that was
being given a second chance, and
thought about this miracle of music.

How often do we pursue our passions ?
In what moments do we cast off our
inhibitions and reservations to
finally face and embrace the song
we so often stifle in our heart?

Why do we choose to play the practical
and follow the sensible and safe ?

Time after time we are timid
with the dreams we hold within
and never allow them to blossom
or become the star of our Show.

I do not want to wait
until my best years are gone
to finally play my part
and sing my song.

Stop the noise around you and face the silence.
Finally hear those shut out voices; the pleas of your heart & soul
that yearn to be set free – and follow the dreams you find there.

The world awaits your arrival…

YOU are the lead in this play of Life;
YOU are the conductor and orchestrator.
Act like it.

Stop waiting to see what comes next.
Stop trying to get the lines just right.
Do not let the curtain close before you
realize this was no dress rehearsal.

There is nothing of tangible significance
that separates the most successful
from the most desperate; from those
who have what they desire and
those who are still just
hoping and wishing.

Stop wishing on a star;
realize YOU ARE THE STAR .

I want to see you shine – Let us hear your song !

The world is your audience,
the admission has been paid;
we await the performance of your Life that IS your Life.

You will be brilliant, my friend.

Of that I have no doubt…


You can find this story and many more
here in the book “Living for a Lifetime
Get your copy today!


