Living with you…

Ever had that sort of gnawing thought
in the back of your mind that something
was passing you by and you couldn’t
quite figure out what?
Sort of like standing on a frozen river;
the part you’re standing on is made from
the very same thing that flows beneath you;
yet one moves on, while the other stays.

Now at some point I hope what I’m thinking is actually going
to find it’s way to you resembling something that makes sense.

So here we go :)

Did you know that you and I are living together ?

Really – we are;
we are both alive at the same time on the same planet.

And… on top of that, so are “they”.
You know who “they” is; anyone that isn’t us ! :)P

From the president of my country to the prostitute on Broadway;
both near and far they and we all have this one thing in common:
Living together. The people around me, the people around you
THESE are the people that we live with.

From time to time I really grasp the depth of that,
which makes me then wonder how I’m treating them.
And… for the most part I’d say that I’m a good neighbor.

I recently moved and as I was packing things up
my neighbor told me that he’d miss me -
that I was a good neighbor. And I laughed and said,
“yeah, I’m quiet and I’m never around!”
to which he chuckled and said
“Yeah – that’s what I meant…”

Ah, but the truth of those words now echo in my restless mind.
I am quiet, and I’m never around. And that makes me a good neighbor.

That’s not the way I want to be remembered.

As I was going through my wallet tonight looking at
various scraps of paper, on one I had written this:

“It’s not because I want to leave something behind.
It’s because I want to pass it forward…”

Yet as I read this, I see that what is missing is the Now.
You see, the most important part of you and I living together
and the only reason to bring it up is because it’s happening now.

And by now you should realize that now is the only
time we have that we can do anything with.

OK. So, remember earlier when I said that at some point

I hope what I’m thinking is actually going to find it’s way
to you resembling something that makes sense ?
Well, I think what it all boils down to is this:

Look around you. THESE are the people you live with -
the people who are in your Life NOW.

Do what you can to make their World a better place,
and you will have created a better Life for yourself.

(For those who don’t know where to begin,
This may give you a bit of inspiration:)
