Almost… doesn’t come close

I heard a commercial the other day
that talked about how several people
almost gave a man this or that…
and because of it, he almost
made it through the night alive.

The point of the commercial was this:
Don’t “almost” give.

So I took a look, as I so often do, at how this applies to my own life.
Like so many things, I was moved by how much I “almost” do.
(Giving is a form of doing – I took it to the next level)
I thought about the friends I’ve almost kept in contact with,
the family I’ve almost stayed in touch with,
the son I almost spent enough time with today.
I almost sent out Christmas cards this year…
last year… the year before…
There was a car alongside the road the other day,
and I almost stopped to help.
I almost wrote you a letter…

So many things almost done, and here we are as a result.
Ah, and you thought it was the things in Life that you had done
that got you to your present day life.
Consider just as much those things that you almost did…
You are where you are – and where you aren’t because of them.

You see, I almost finished writing this at Christmas time,
and it almost made a tremendous impact in your Life.
Matter-of-fact, for 7 months now
this has almost meant something to some of you,
and so many more who I may never see or hear from again.

But do you know who it almost made the MOST impact on ?


Stop “Almost” living in your Life…