Count your blessings – don’t compare them…

It’s funny – the things we complain about.
2 days ago I was complaining about Facebook, yet it’s
been Facebook that has brought me in touch with some
of those who are my dearest friends and loved ones.
Found myself grumbling the other day now that I finally got
the Datsun running & on the road, and here comes the rain.
(It’s a convertible with no heater – weather matters :P)
Shouldn’t I be grateful to even have an extra car to play with?
Rather than sulk – missing those I seldom see anymore;
why not appreciate the invites I have received
and those who I am able to spend time with?
I could go on and on, and as I look around I don’t need
to look far for more examples of overlooked blessings.

Now, I’ve got to tell you – and please don’t judge me for it;
but there are many times I’ll overhear how “tough” Life is
supposedly being for someone and it’s all I can do not to laugh.
Other times it just makes me sad, and sometimes a little mad.

I recover quick enough – just put myself in their shoes.
Heck, if I were them I’d be majoring in the same minors they
are and putting the same priority on the petty as well !
I’d be trampling beds of roses trying to show people the thorns.

For the most part where I see people overlook their blessings
is when they’re too busy looking over the blessings of others.
(10th Commandment ring a bell? Anyone?? Good wisdom there)

So, quick word of advice;
stop looking at the perceived abundance in the lives of others
in order to compare what you may not have that they do.
Count YOUR OWN blessings – not theirs.