About Unleash Yourselves


Posts by Unleash Yourselves:

Love one another…


Love one another…
Not just some, not just one “in love” with you.
Not just those you agree with or get along with.
…and not only on February 14.

Love one another.

Always. Unconditionally.

Include yourself.


I love You.—-> Continue…

Just pretend I’m not here…

help-me-girl-350-bI get it.
It was early afternoon.
Broad daylight. A lot of traffic.
A man near the corner traffic light where I was stopped
was trying to wrap a blanket around himself to stay warm.
He was standing next to a building that had a slight
inset where he could huddle from the wind and cold.… —-> Continue…

Living with you…

Ever had that sort of gnawing thought
in the back of your mind that something
was passing you by and you couldn’t
quite figure out what?
Sort of like standing on a frozen river;
the part you’re standing on is made from
the very same thing that flows beneath you;
yet one moves on, while the other stays.… —-> Continue…

What will save you?

The story has been told about a man
who was at home taking a nap,
when suddenly there was a frantic
pounding on his front door.
Opening the door, a young boy
hurriedly informed him that a flood
was coming and that he needed
to evacuate immediately.… —-> Continue…

Hey Dad – Let’s play a game!

I’d rather spend time playing Ping Pong with Dad in the garage.

When I was a kid, we had an Atari set, a Defender & Asteroids arcade game
(actual stand up arcade games!), and a pinball machine in the basement.
We even had satellite TV- one of the first in the area!… —-> Continue…

What words will you share today?





~ if you’d like to give to a worthy cause, 
consider donating HERE that I may do more
to share encouragement, inspiration,
and positive works with the World  <3


Always a Rainbow…

“Always a rainbow”.
It’s one of my favorite things to say.
Still, let’s be clear; the tragedies
and tears are not out of sight;
I am not deaf to the cries of
those who have suffered loss.
Yet we have before us the opportunity of a lifetime;
a chance to look at what we might create
within a life that has been made unrutted.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2