About Unleash Yourselves


Posts by Unleash Yourselves:

What is your purpose? Does it show??


The subject of PURPOSE came up twice for me today,
so I felt compelled to take bit of time to pass it on to you.

Because I’m a giver like that  :)

One of the more intriguing and convicting questions
that I have often pondered where people are concerned
is whether they live a life of Purpose or a life of Pleasure.… —-> Continue…

Is your best good enough?


Is your best good enough?

This is the question I asked when I saw
a photo of a Young Marine recruit who
was giving it his all in a foot race.

His eyes were closed, face clenched
in a grimace of pain and determination;
going all out where others might give up.… —-> Continue…

Communication in an assuming world

I’m writing another book.

Now, for the most part, my previous book was

more of a collection of stories with a variety

of different topics – mostly inspirational.

This one is more specific toward

the arena that is communication.

I know – it may not sound as enticing

as 50 Hues of Black and White,

BUT if you had better control of

the communication in your Life -

it could lead to so much more!… —-> Continue…

How Many Times Will You…



I get it.
It was early afternoon.
Broad daylight. A lot of traffic.
A man near the corner traffic light where I was stopped
was trying to wrap a blanket around himself to stay warm.
He was standing next to a building that had a slight
inset where he could huddle from the wind and cold.… —-> Continue…

Christmas… shoes and Spirit

Whenever I used to call
someone on the phone
I would ask them;
“Is this a good
time to call ?”
or “Did I catch you
at a good time ?”

Now – I’m not exactly on the phone with you, but still…
Did I catch you at a good time ?… —-> Continue…

Don’t miss out; Dance in this Life…

Several years ago a friend gave me a
cassette tape that was a compilation
of mostly country music.
It was meant to be a joke,
because everyone knew I
couldn’t stand country music.
Not knowing what was on the tape, I played it.… —-> Continue…

Is your Life a resting place or a testing place?

There are many reasons to bring this to you tonight.
Some old, some new, some recent, and those
that are all too frequent and familiar.

I’m sure you’ve had moments where you’ve
thought that things just couldn’t get any worse.
Murphy’s Law, right?… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2