About Unleash Yourselves


Posts by Unleash Yourselves:

Because that’s what there is to do


It’s after midnight, and
by all rights I should go to sleep.
But then again, some things can’t wait.
Ever since last night a line
has been repeating itself
over and over in my head.

“There are bigger things at work here…”

It’s a line (or close to it) from
one of the Spider Man movies.… —-> Continue…

Take That First Step…

staircase350x350dOver the weekend I ran across this
quote by Martin Luther King, Jr.

“You don’t have to see
the whole staircase,
just take the first step.”

When I read this, I pictured a spiral staircase -
one that quickly turned out of sight as it twisted upward.… —-> Continue…

Look Behind the Mask


Look behind the mask;
See beyond the smile…

In light of recent events,
I’d like to pull back a bit from perception
and take a good look at the reality around us.
In particular – the people in & about our lives.… —-> Continue…

The Happy New Year!


Here we are – facing a Happy New Year!

Now, I know a lot of people around the new year have
spent time making resolutions to finding solutions
to things that weren’t quite so right last year.
A new year…
What better time for a fresh start, right?

—-> Continue…

What Words Will You Share Today?



What words will you share today?

Will they uplift and encourage,
or upset and discourage?

Will you lighten someone’s load
when burdens wear them down;
will you brighten their road
when darkness surrounds?

Say something – Make a difference…

.… —-> Continue…

What If You Went Full Out?


Shortly after we sat down on the plane I could feel it, and I knew I had
about a minute before my nice white shirt would soon be splattered red.
Nosebleed. Great. I didn’t plan for that. No napkins, no tissue… No time.… —-> Continue…

Choose your words carefully


Choose your words carefully

If a friend of yours, or someone you respected told you
that you looked sick today would you believe them?
If a complete stranger told you that you looked sick today
would you believe them? If a half a dozen people told you
that you looked sick today would you believe them?… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2