Like moths to the flame – What’s your poison?

I SHOULD be drinking water right now,
given I’ve been out sick for the last 4 days.
I am not.  Instead, I’m drinking V8 Vfusion
vegetable & fruit juice.
Why? I like the flavor. Why not Kool Aid?
Because I’d rather have water than artificial
flavors, sugars, dyes and a variety of chemicals
that my body has to fight off the effects of.
I’m sick, not… Well, I was going to say stupid -
but I can tell that’s me being sick AND tired now ;)
Now, for those of you who were proud that I was
“having a V8″, don’t get too excited.  Sure, that
label on the bottle might boast some impressive
numbers and sound healthy, but don’t forget:
those numbers do not reflect the properties of
the drink AFTER it has been processed & bottled.
That wouldn’t be as impressive or as marketable ;P
To be honest, I bought it because it was on sale.
And I’m too lazy to squeeze my own juice, which is
pretty much THE ONLY WAY you’re going to get REAL
juice with all it’s beneficial properties.
Aye yi – since we’re on this topic, I may as well
give you a piece of advice your body will thank you
for heeding years from now when you really need it;
chances are VERY HIGH that not only does it contain
added ingredients & chemicals that are very NOT good
for you, but the processing of it has tremendously
decreased & diminished any original health benefit.
And… hate to say it, but then if you intend to
COOK whatever IT is – you’re further diminishing
the nutritional content of the food.
Easy rule of thumb:
Add cooking heat = subtract nutrition.
And please don’t tell me you were going to use a
microwave oven to thaw that frozen preservative
laden turkey before it cooked for hours in the oven.
Don’t make me go through my notes on microwave usage.
Can you please please just STOP using them to cook
any food you intend on consuming. Please?
Note to self: (for you to read over my shoulder)
READ the ingredients if you insist on buying
processed foods & beverages, then realize how
those ingredients & their supposed properties
and attributes have been affected by the time
you put it into your shopping cart AND what
you do to it before you put it into your body.

I am being a total buzz kill right now,
I know it, I know it – and I am SO not done.
You know, I wish there was a pretty way of putting
the facts across so you’ll believe me.  You know,
kind of like they do on TV and convince parents that
a Toaster Strudel is a deeelicious and nutritious
way for your youngster to start the day!
Oh wow – I saw a commercial the other day for those
and it was just beautifully orchestrated, and in a
moment of madness I almost contemplated getting some
next time I was at the store. Fortunately for my
son and anyone who may have to deal with him for
the following hours afterward, I did not.
Aw heck – but they looked so good, and even the
parents were smiling, and looked proud – as if
they were doing a good thing for the kids.
And who doesn’t want what’s good for the kids!!!
News flash here.
You know this obesity epidemic we’ve been hearing about?
Oh, and the increasing number of kids with behavioral
“disorders” that we stick all form of lables on?
You can trace the majority of that to what WE have
introduced into these ever absorbing & sensitive
sponges of youth. From the shots they’ve received from
birth to the fruit roll ups we give them for snack.
Do some research on artificial colors -
specifically how they affect behavior.
Oh, and while you’re looking – IF you have a child
who is experiencing behavioral challenges, it wouldn’t
be a bad idea to cut out gluten for a while to see
if it makes a difference :) Many times it will.
(I’ll bet Toaster Strudels have gluten ;) )
Say, most people already know that high fructose
corn syrup can have a nasty effect on how kids behave
and focus; I wonder if Toaster Strudels have that…
Ah, there it is. MMMmmmm – Blueberry :)
Holy Smokes!!! It’s even got the 2 highest ranking
color dyes associated with behavioral dysfunction!
SCORE!!!  Ah, and hydrogenated soybean oil
(TERRIBLE on more than one level)
AND sodium benzoate!!! OK, no kidding – not meaning
to pick on Toaster Strudels – I only did because I
saw the commercial the other day, but OH MY GOSH
these ingredients read like a nightmare train wreck!
Oh ho !!! And this one ends with sucralose?!?!?
Can it get any worse??!!!???

If ever I have gotten sidetracked from my
original thought, this is it. I’m sorry,
but I have  opened up a can of worms here
that’s part of a much much bigger piece that
I had to shelve a while back because there
just wasn’t enough time left in my days to
give it the attention & research it needed.

Aye yi yi…

Let me see if I can make this simple.

What we end up putting in our mouths
contains far less than what we need
and far more of what is destructive.

It didn’t happen overnight,
and it’s normal – if that makes sense.

And as always, I am curious – ever curious
as to what you will do knowing this.
If I didn’t know what I do, I’d probably
scoff a bit, find some reason to dismiss
what I’ve said… maybe find some way
of justifying my own opinion.
I’m just stubborn like that.
Ah, but I do have that often fun
open minded streak that keeps me
on my toes – discovering new
and exciting truths about Life :)