You are where you are. Where will you go from here?

I tried explaining to my son the other night
that we are where we are right now in Life,
and that nothing can be done to change
anything in the past that has led us here.

We can share how we feel about what’s
happened in the past – but no amount of
complaining, cursing, or causing challenges
in the present will have any effect on history.… —-> Continue…

Living with you…

Ever had that sort of gnawing thought
in the back of your mind that something
was passing you by and you couldn’t
quite figure out what?
Sort of like standing on a frozen river;
the part you’re standing on is made from
the very same thing that flows beneath you;
yet one moves on, while the other stays.… —-> Continue…

What will you do for your Dreams?

So here it is – a rant a few of you have
heard me share, brought to you live,
uncensored and unsponsored !

How many of you have seen the movie “Up” ?
Cute movie. Unless you’re like me and get
something totally different than intended.… —-> Continue…

At the end of your rope? Tie a knot!

Lately it seems the things that
have flowed from my mind
to my fingers have not been
what most would call “inspiring”.
Hence, they reside locked away
in a folder with about 40 or more
pieces in various stages
of completion.… —-> Continue…

What do you have to fear?

I remember I had bought
candy bars for the other kids
in class the day they had the
school dance back in grade school.

I left the candy bars on their desks,
and tape recorded the dance while
I hid under a desk – afraid to go into
the gym where the dance was being held.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2