About Unleash Yourselves


Posts by Unleash Yourselves:

Is your Life a resting place or a testing place?

There are many reasons to bring this to you tonight.
Some old, some new, some recent, and those
that are all too frequent and familiar.

I’m sure you’ve had moments where you’ve
thought that things just couldn’t get any worse.
Murphy’s Law, right?… —-> Continue…

The Happy New Year!


Here we are – facing a Happy New Year!

Now, I know a lot of people around the new year have
spent time making resolutions to finding solutions
to things that weren’t quite so right last year.
A new year…
What better time for a fresh start, right?

—-> Continue…

How do you want to feel?

Several weeks ago I had fallen quite hard
while running on snow covered concrete.
Not a brilliant thing to do.
Since then both my elbow and shoulders have been a
constant reminder of what happens when moving
body parts meet an immoveable object at high speed.… —-> Continue…

Healthcare “crisis” is a result of our own health care

sick-as-a-dog-350wYou know what’s an interesting thought, is that across the board the US can chalk up the majority of it’s health concerns on a terrible diet.

I’m painting with pretty broad strokes here, and it’s not political (sorry) – but ignorance is not bliss when it comes to preventative health.… —-> Continue…

Almost… doesn’t come close

I heard a commercial the other day
that talked about how several people
almost gave a man this or that…
and because of it, he almost
made it through the night alive.

The point of the commercial was this:
Don’t “almost” give.… —-> Continue…

Don’t miss out; Dance in this Life…

Several years ago a friend gave me a
cassette tape that was a compilation
of mostly country music.
It was meant to be a joke,
because everyone knew I
couldn’t stand country music.
Not knowing what was on the tape, I played it.… —-> Continue…

Always a Rainbow…

“Always a rainbow”.
It’s one of my favorite things to say.
Still, let’s be clear; the tragedies
and tears are not out of sight;
I am not deaf to the cries of
those who have suffered loss.
Yet we have before us the opportunity of a lifetime;
a chance to look at what we might create
within a life that has been made unrutted.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2