About Unleash Yourselves


Posts by Unleash Yourselves:

Love one another… more


Love one another…
Not just some, not just one “in love” with you.
Not just those you agree with or get along with.
…and not only on February 14.

Love one another.

Always. Unconditionally.

Include yourself.


I love You.—-> Continue…

Do what you like, or Like what you do


My hat is off to the person at the great and wise
Fortune Cookie Factory who wrote this:

” You will enjoy true in whatever you do. “

Now, I’m not 100% sure what they intended,
so I’m going to go with the first thought I had:

The secret to success lies not
in doing what one likes,
but in liking what one does.
—-> Continue…

The Past Has Passed…


The past has no hands to hold,
nor arms to wrap around us.
It remains with us only because of the grip WE have on it.
And far too often it leads us in this Dance called Life
because we give it our hand to take and our heart to hold…
WE embrace it because we know it,
and we treat it as a friend
rather than the foe it is.

—-> Continue…

Words will shape your World

kind-wordsChoose your words carefully

If a friend of yours, or someone you respected told you
that you looked sick today would you believe them?
If a complete stranger told you that you looked sick today
would you believe them? If a half a dozen people told you
that you looked sick today would you believe them?… —-> Continue…

My hero for the day!

I found my hero for the day.

And this is how it happened.
I’m standing in a store and
this guy comes in and he’s
looking for something.
I don’t even know what it
was or if he found it,
but before he left has asked
of everyone present:
“Do you know anyone
with a house for rent?”

Those present did not,
and then he asked;
“Do you have any newspapers here?”
He was informed they did not sell newspapers there.… —-> Continue…

What is a stranger but an Unmet Friend…

Just as I opened the door to
the machine shop, the sounds -
very LOUD sounds – of barking
dogs meet my ears, and
for a moment I wonder:
Will I be a customer today… or lunch ?!
The four legged carnivores met me first,
tripping over themselves trying to see
who was going to get the first bite in.… —-> Continue…

BE the Fireworks this New Year!

Do not let those familiar voices that told you what you
could and couldn’t do in 2023 set the stage for 2024
- starting with YOUR voice, YOUR Word to yourself.

Sure, you probably had high hopes & intentions
last year about this time – and maybe they didn’t happen.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2