
Are you unreasonable with Life?

The other night I found myself in a Shari’s
I had never been before, and was inspired
by an example of living unreasonably.
There was a man & woman sitting at the booth
diagonally across from me, and I couldn’t help
but be inspired when she ordered.… —-> Continue…

How are your excuses working?

I’m sitting here procrastinating something
that many people actually enjoy.

Singing; more specifically karaoke style.
I found a place in Vancouver that has Karaoke Night,
and was informed that their karaoke begins at 9pm.
It is 9:23 and here I sit typing you !… —-> Continue…

SUCCESS on a foundation of Failures

That we so often see more of the “proof”
that says “not worthy” rather than the reality
and Truth that we ARE abundantly worthy
can be such a tug of war in belief.

We want to believe we can have it all -
that the desires and wants of our heart mind and soul
will be beyond fulfilled… yet our mind plays tricks, and gives us
all too believable evidence that we will never have it.… —-> Continue…

HOW TO BE HEARD and have people listen to you

Do people listen to you?

Stop being ignored – Get their attention
Stop being dismissed – Gain their respect
Stop being overlooked – Grab their interest

Find out what roadblocks keep you from
being able to effectively communicate
with others and how to overcome them.
—-> Continue…

You should enhance WHAT?!?!?!?

Some time ago, when I was reading a fortune a day
from a large bag of fortune cookies, I found
this little gem inside my crispy treat.

” You should enhance your
feminine side at this time. “

I know.
I KNOW !!!… —-> Continue…

Does It Matter How I Got Here?


Many years ago I heard a story
about a letter Abraham Lincoln
had written to one of his generals
at some point during the Civil War.
From what I recall, the general had
been hesitant at a time when
immediate decisive action was
needed to achieve a victory,
and because of his delays and
decisions a defeat seemed eminent.… —-> Continue…

BE the Love you want to feel…


For those who do not find themselves celebrating
Valentine’s Day with a significant other,
why not do something… different this year.

Find someone who really needs to feel love – and let them feel loved.

The first part of this may be the hardest – because chances are
you’ve spent a lifetime walking by people who longed to feel loved.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2