About your balanced Life – PART 3
Breakfast time.
Time to fuel your body for the day.
It’s the most important meal of the day, right?
This is a tricky one, because there is SO much
conflicting information that is available out there.
What I’m going to start out with are a few basics.
IF you haven’t read PART 1 or PART 2 –
you may want to start here first:
We eat because we need fuel.
What we eat is typically chosen due to taste and
familiarity rather than because it is good for us.
Actually… I should have said this first.
As much as I’d like to believe and hope that you will
simply take my word for what I have and will be sharing,
I REALLY want you to take the time to do your own
research and due diligence regarding your health.
Don’t take your Life for granted,
nor treat it so casually that you
pay no mind what you do to it,
fill it or feed it with, or treat it.
So, I suggest doing a bit of light reading on the topic
of Food combining. No, they didn’t cover this in school,
and I’m pretty sure Betty Crocker has never heard of it.
Once you understand a few basics as to how food
is processed & digested in the body, you will be able
to make food choices that will give you the maximum
amount of nutrition & energy with the least amount
of stress & fatigue on the body in the process.
Now this may not win me any friends, but I’ve got
to cover it because it’s one of those things that
continues to fly below the radar of most people -
even those who have a good grasp of nutrition.
We have a predisposition in this country to cook.
Everything. Except watermelons. I think those
must be sacred. Other than that, we have to
brew, boil, bake, fry, steam, broil, sear, roast,
poach, steep, char, smoke, and or toast most
anything before we can pass it between our lips.
There are many schools of thought about this,
and I have yet to find any one of them to have
an all-in-one solution / answer.
I’m going to suggest balance.
Eating untampered with fruits and vegetables
is going to go a LONG way towards increasing
the longevity and health of your Life. Period.
Stop cooking them all!
And give up frying and microwaving anything.
Yes, I am a buzzkill. So is cancer & disease.
Medical expenses are also a drag.
Those things that you do decide to cook,
let’s keep the temperatures lower.
110 or less is a good rule of thumb.
Some vegetables are actually beneficial
to cook, which is why I’m not suggesting
a completely raw/vegan diet here.
Again – HOMEWORK on this topic is crucial.
Don’t you want it to be for a good reason & good for you?
I’ve got to wrap this up for now -
because I’m going to touch on other foods
that we prepare that are made toxic to us;
right underneath our nose…
Stay tuned -
and yes, we’re still on BREAKFAST