About Unleash Yourselves


Posts by Unleash Yourselves:

Because that’s what there is to do


It’s after midnight, and
by all rights I should go to sleep.
But then again, some things can’t wait.
Ever since last night a line
has been repeating itself
over and over in my head.

“There are bigger things at work here…”

It’s a line (or close to it) from
one of the Spider Man movies.… —-> Continue…

Same brain, same mess… Try again?

Do you sometimes find yourself
beating your head against a wall wondering
what you’re doing wrong and why you can’t get it right?
Let’s take a break from head banging for a minute
and consider & contemplate this:

“The same brain that
got you into this mess
isn’t going to get you out.”

I heard that a few weeks ago -
and it just speaks such a clear truth.… —-> Continue…


I am conducting an experiment.

If you would like to know what it is -
please drop me a line for details!


Birds of a Feather…

“Birds of a feather flock together…”

This may be an age old bit of wisdom
- but what I really want to know is:
Do I know where the flock is headed,
and do I want to go where they’re going?… —-> Continue…

About your balanced Life – Part 2

The other day I was talking
about moderation and balance.

If you didn’t have the opportunity to read it,
you’re going to want to do that FIRST -
otherwise a few pieces of this puzzle
are going to be missing, and I’m sure
both of us want to see the whole picture.… —-> Continue…


We seek the comfortable and convenient, while we
yearn for safety in the still waters of complacency.
We hide from conflict and adversity as we search
for the easier way, never rocking the boat.
We live the lie that this… THIS… is Life.… —-> Continue…

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made…

We all reach a point where we say enough is enough, and refuse
to continue selling ourselves short and settling for a life of “less than”.

And yet… how often do we stop at the next rung of the ladder,
claiming we’ve reached the “Promised Land”, simply because
we experience a view different than the one we left behind?… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2