About Unleash Yourselves


Posts by Unleash Yourselves:

Like moths to the flame – What’s your poison?

I SHOULD be drinking water right now,
given I’ve been out sick for the last 4 days.
I am not.  Instead, I’m drinking V8 Vfusion
vegetable & fruit juice.
Why? I like the flavor. Why not Kool Aid?
Because I’d rather have water than artificial
flavors, sugars, dyes and a variety of chemicals
that my body has to fight off the effects of.… —-> Continue…

HOW TO BE HEARD and have people listen to you

Do people listen to you?

Stop being ignored – Get their attention
Stop being dismissed – Gain their respect
Stop being overlooked – Grab their interest

Find out what roadblocks keep you from
being able to effectively communicate
with others and how to overcome them.
—-> Continue…

If only Life were a rehearsal…

Ever seen the movie “Click” ?

I watched a bit of it tonight

( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8sJW66Mr1g )

and then there was the part

where I left to go to the store.


It’s where Adam Sandler is in his office.

His son, following in his father’s footsteps,

is trying to go over a few of his ideas with him.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2