
It’s Always SOMETHING!

“It’s always something…”

It’s a phrase we hear often from those who never seem to be able to catch a break.
From those people that, if it wasn’t for bad luck – they’d have no luck at all.

These are all outside occurrences that started from an inside job.… —-> Continue…

Hey Dad – Let’s play a game!

I’d rather spend time playing Ping Pong with Dad in the garage.

When I was a kid, we had an Atari set, a Defender & Asteroids arcade game
(actual stand up arcade games!), and a pinball machine in the basement.
We even had satellite TV- one of the first in the area!… —-> Continue…

HOW TO BE HEARD and have people listen to you

Do people listen to you?

Stop being ignored – Get their attention
Stop being dismissed – Gain their respect
Stop being overlooked – Grab their interest

Find out what roadblocks keep you from
being able to effectively communicate
with others and how to overcome them.
—-> Continue…

Does it matter How I got here?


Many years ago I heard a story
about a letter Abraham Lincoln
had written to one of his generals
at some point during the Civil War.
From what I recall, the general had
been hesitant at a time when
immediate decisive action was
needed to achieve a victory,
and because of his delays and
decisions a defeat seemed eminent.… —-> Continue…

In Ever Loving Memory of Dad…


“Will you be a pallbearer?” he asked me.
I looked at him – not understanding the question.
A pallbearer is someone who helps carry a casket
at a funeral, and we weren’t having a funeral.
We were just… we were just here.… —-> Continue…

How do you save a Life?

How would you feel
if you saved someone’s life ?

No, really.   Quit “multi-tasking”
and give this some serious thought.

Picture whatever scenario you want to:

Pull a person from a burning building
just before the roof caves in.

Perform the Heimlich maneuver on a child
who was choking in a restaurant.… —-> Continue…

Choose your words carefully


Choose your words carefully

If a friend of yours, or someone you respected told you
that you looked sick today would you believe them?
If a complete stranger told you that you looked sick today
would you believe them? If a half a dozen people told you
that you looked sick today would you believe them?… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2