

“We can wish things were different,
and we all too often wallow in our pain,
our misery, our anger, pity, and shame.
Meanwhile, time marches on, the world turns
—and Life moves on without us.

If you want to keep up—
if you want to conquer,
you’ve got to get up
and put one foot in
front of the other
—and move.… —-> Continue…

Count your blessings – don’t compare them…

It’s funny – the things we complain about.
2 days ago I was complaining about Facebook, yet it’s
been Facebook that has brought me in touch with some
of those who are my dearest friends and loved ones.
Found myself grumbling the other day now that I finally got
the Datsun running & on the road, and here comes the rain.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2