It could be said of this Life
that we are part of a grand experiment -
full of tests, failures, successes; all to be
placed under the heading  called RESULTS.

Look at your own Life.

How do you like the results you’re getting
in the very tests & trials that you experience?… —-> Continue…

Looking at the past brings you more of the same

I often think when people look in the mirror,
it’s more like the rear view mirror in a car.
They’re always looking at what’s behind them.
In Life, the same. The things we’ve done,
that have happened – past experiences
(and ALL experiences are PASSED) – everything
that has happened up until now… is behind us.… —-> Continue…

Is it time to get rid of your TV yet?


Every so often when I take
the time away from Life to
visit a moment with the reality
that is portrayed on television -
I see why so many people use it
as an escape the the real World.
It explains and reveals in so many
ways how disconnected, misled,
disillusioned, and apathetic
this country has become.… —-> Continue…

My hero for the day!

I found my hero for the day.

And this is how it happened.
I’m standing in a store and
this guy comes in and he’s
looking for something.
I don’t even know what it
was or if he found it,
but before he left has asked
of everyone present:
“Do you know anyone
with a house for rent?”

Those present did not,
and then he asked;
“Do you have any newspapers here?”
He was informed they did not sell newspapers there.… —-> Continue…

If you can’t say something nice – look harder


“If you can’t say something nice,
don’t say anything at all.”

My Mom used to say this when I was a kid,
and I was again reminded of it the other day
while on the phone with someone who
had very little nice to say.… —-> Continue…

Count your blessings – don’t compare them…

It’s funny – the things we complain about.
2 days ago I was complaining about Facebook, yet it’s
been Facebook that has brought me in touch with some
of those who are my dearest friends and loved ones.
Found myself grumbling the other day now that I finally got
the Datsun running & on the road, and here comes the rain.… —-> Continue…

Just what the doctor ordered; to die or deviate?

The news came tonight that Dad’s latest chemo treatment
will be taking away his hair, so he got a buzz cut yesterday.

It is… absolutely baffling as it is infuriating that the
majority of people accept their doctor’s standard
protocol for “curing” cancer as THE best course of action.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2