Communication in an assuming world

I’m writing another book.

Now, for the most part, my previous book was

more of a collection of stories with a variety

of different topics – mostly inspirational.

This one is more specific toward

the arena that is communication.

I know – it may not sound as enticing

as 50 Hues of Black and White,

BUT if you had better control of

the communication in your Life -

it could lead to so much more!… —-> Continue…

Looking at the past brings you more of the same

I often think when people look in the mirror,
it’s more like the rear view mirror in a car.
They’re always looking at what’s behind them.
In Life, the same. The things we’ve done,
that have happened – past experiences
(and ALL experiences are PASSED) – everything
that has happened up until now… is behind us.… —-> Continue…

Count your blessings – don’t compare them…

It’s funny – the things we complain about.
2 days ago I was complaining about Facebook, yet it’s
been Facebook that has brought me in touch with some
of those who are my dearest friends and loved ones.
Found myself grumbling the other day now that I finally got
the Datsun running & on the road, and here comes the rain.… —-> Continue…

You are what you eat – and How!

plate-w-knife-350-2It was blood. Mine.

My son and I stopped at a place I probably shouldn’t name
to reward ourselves with a Caramel Apple Frosty™ Parfait
and a Wild Berry Frosty™ Parfait.  I had the caramel apple :)
About 1/3 of the way into it, I saw a bit of what looked
like maybe some red apple peel on the spoon. … —-> Continue…

Read ONLY if you care about yourself…

The other day I was talking with a client
who has read several of my writings,
and he shared with me something which
he believed about people and their health.

In short:
If a person doesn’t really care about themselves,
they aren’t going to take good care of  themselves.… —-> Continue…

If only Life were a rehearsal…

Ever seen the movie “Click” ?

I watched a bit of it tonight

( )

and then there was the part

where I left to go to the store.


It’s where Adam Sandler is in his office.

His son, following in his father’s footsteps,

is trying to go over a few of his ideas with him.… —-> Continue…


It could be said of this Life
that we are part of a grand experiment -
full of tests, failures, successes; all to be
placed under the heading  called RESULTS.

Look at your own Life.

How do you like the results you’re getting
in the very tests & trials that you experience?… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2