About Unleash Yourselves


Posts by Unleash Yourselves:

Emotions and Feelings: Friend or Foe?


Do you know where feelings come from?
Do you know what causes your emotions??
Would you agree that the majority of our actions are highly influenced by both?
Sooooo… maybe it would be a good idea to know, eh?
Because the actions we take and don’t take are going to make or break us in Life.

—-> Continue…

For our children – because we care…


It was not quite 10 o’clock when I started out tonight.
I finally got the clutch fixed in the Roadster,
just in time for a few rain sprinkles :P
The top will have to go down another night…

So here’s what I found next to the checkout stand
at the gas station tonight; “all natural Crayons sports drink”.… —-> Continue…

Sometimes the greatest gift…


Sometimes the greatest gift
you can give to others is to
let them be themselves…

On The Last Day of Your Life…


I’ve got to ask you something a bit personal.

But… the “when” of my question might seem a bit… off.

You see, I want to ask you what was that one dream -
the one thing that you’d wanted your entire life,
were never able to do… to have… to accomplish.… —-> Continue…

So… you’re JUST human, right?

Earlier today I heard something said
that I’ve heard countless times before.
I may have even said it myself.

Someone had done something wrong,
and in their defense uttered these words:

“Oh well. I’m only human.”

As if being human was an acceptable excuse.… —-> Continue…

My hero for the day!

I found my hero for the day.

And this is how it happened.
I’m standing in a store and
this guy comes in and he’s
looking for something.
I don’t even know what it
was or if he found it,
but before he left has asked
of everyone present:
“Do you know anyone
with a house for rent?”

Those present did not,
and then he asked;
“Do you have any newspapers here?”
He was informed they did not sell newspapers there.… —-> Continue…

What if you only had one shot?

“Look, if you had one shot,
or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted;
One moment -
Would you capture it,
or just let it slip?”

It’s been a few years since this song hit the scene;
“Lose Yourself” (Buy the Original or Clean version)

So let’s get one thing straight -
this whole “If you had one shot”;

I want to know how many of you believe this.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2