
For your sacrifice; Thank you…

Since the first breath of Freedom as a Nation,
our soldiers have sacrificed to keep us a free country.
We the People, who they have risked and given their lives for,
may not always agree with causes they’ve been instructed to fulfill.… —-> Continue…

Some things never change…


I was going to start off by saying the revelation I’ve had in
visiting my parents & seeing old friends after too many years
is that I am seen as the same kid I was over 25 years ago.

But… it’s not much of a revelation.… —-> Continue…

What is your purpose? Does it show??



The subject of PURPOSE came up twice for me today,
so I felt compelled to take bit of time to pass it on to you.

Because I’m a giver like that  :)

One of the more intriguing and convicting questions
that I have often pondered where people are concerned
is whether they live a life of Purpose or a life of Pleasure.… —-> Continue…

Christmas… shoes and Spirit

Whenever I used to call
someone on the phone
I would ask them;
“Is this a good
time to call ?”
or “Did I catch you
at a good time ?”

Now – I’m not exactly on the phone with you, but still…
Did I catch you at a good time ?… —-> Continue…


It could be said of this Life
that we are part of a grand experiment -
full of tests, failures, successes; all to be
placed under the heading  called RESULTS.

Look at your own Life.

How do you like the results you’re getting
in the very tests & trials that you experience?… —-> Continue…

What stops you, and why?


a picture says a thousand words.

So I’m going to let this one do that.

BUT FIRST, I must ask you;

What stops you?

I’m talking about the things you want,
what you desire and wish you had.

What stops you from taking the steps to have them?… —-> Continue…

Who you are makes a difference…


Have I told you lately…

Wait a minute.
It doesn’t matter if I have;
you’re going to hear this anyway -
so listen up…. Please   :)

When I tell you that you may not know
the difference you have made in my Life,
I hope you do not take that lightly -
for I doubt you will ever know in this Lifetime
the impact that will have made for countless others…

So I am sharing this with you as it, along with so many
other forces keeps me picking myself up off the floor
and walking another day with hope and a smile.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2