
Do you have $3 to spare? A priceless lesson…

When I heard the
tapping on the window,
I froze.  It’s dark out,
and I had pulled off the
road into an empty parking
lot of a closed service station
to find out what had fallen
off  of the seat next to me.… —-> Continue…

The Scars of our Life…

The scars of our life
are the score of our living -
evidence that we have risen
from the shadows and fought.
We may not win every battle,
and we will falter, fall, and even fail
in our advances and endeavors.… —-> Continue…

Would you believe this… or not?


What would it take
for you to stop and read this ?

Hear me out.

If it is true that energy
is never destroyed and
merely changes form
that our thoughts are a series
of electrical impulses,
also a form of energy:

What makes you think
I cannot read your mind?… —-> Continue…

SUCCESS on a foundation of Failures

That we so often see more of the “proof”
that says “not worthy” rather than the reality
and Truth that we ARE abundantly worthy
can be such a tug of war in belief.

We want to believe we can have it all -
that the desires and wants of our heart mind and soul
will be beyond fulfilled… yet our mind plays tricks, and gives us
all too believable evidence that we will never have it.… —-> Continue…



Here we are – facing a Happy New Year!

Now, I know a lot of people around the new year have
spent time making resolutions to finding solutions
to things that weren’t quite so right last year.
A new year…
What better time for a fresh start, right?

—-> Continue…

Happy New Year! It’s up to you… every day

calendar-your-year1So here we are:

Now I know
a lot of people around
the new year have spent
time making resolutions
to finding solutions to
those things that weren’t
quite so right last year.
A new year -
what better time
for a fresh start, right?

—-> Continue…

Would you have stopped?

It’s dark out and I’m driving with my
son across the 205 bridge from
Portland to Vancouver. Actually,
I’m doing all the driving – his legs
are too short to reach the pedals
and he doesn’t have a license yet.

All of a sudden the car stalls
and the engine stops.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2