
Healthcare “crisis” is a result of our own health care

sick-as-a-dog-350wYou know what’s an interesting thought, is that across the board the US can chalk up the majority of it’s health concerns on a terrible diet.

I’m painting with pretty broad strokes here, and it’s not political (sorry) – but ignorance is not bliss when it comes to preventative health.… —-> Continue…

Like moths to the flame – What’s your poison?

I SHOULD be drinking water right now,
given I’ve been out sick for the last 4 days.
I am not.  Instead, I’m drinking V8 Vfusion
vegetable & fruit juice.
Why? I like the flavor. Why not Kool Aid?
Because I’d rather have water than artificial
flavors, sugars, dyes and a variety of chemicals
that my body has to fight off the effects of.… —-> Continue…

I see great people… What do you see?

Last week I’m at the store walking
around an aisle when all of a sudden,
a line from a movie pops in my head;

“I see dead people,
only they don’t know they’re dead.”

(this is my paraphrased version -
I haven’t seen the movie in 7+ years)

To which my mind echoed back this,
and it’s been haunting me ever since:

“I see great people,
only they don’t know they’re great…”

It took me a week to write this piece
because I don’t know how to convince
someone who doesn’t already know it.… —-> Continue…

Look Behind the Mask


Look behind the mask;
See beyond the smile…

In light of recent events,
I’d like to pull back a bit from perception
and take a good look at the reality around us.
In particular – the people in & about our lives.… —-> Continue…

Make your mark… and make it count


Do you know why I want more for you?
Do you know why I stay up at night, often pushing past into the hours of the morning?
Because you can reach more people and make a bigger difference in this world than I can.… —-> Continue…

I Dare You to LIVE!


We seek the comfortable and convenient, while we
yearn for safety in the still waters of complacency.
We hide from conflict and adversity as we search
for the easier way, never rocking the boat.
We live the lie that this… THIS… is Life.… —-> Continue…

You are where you are. Where will you go from here?

I tried explaining to my son the other night
that we are where we are right now in Life,
and that nothing can be done to change
anything in the past that has led us here.

We can share how we feel about what’s
happened in the past – but no amount of
complaining, cursing, or causing challenges
in the present will have any effect on history.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2