
What Words Will You Share Today?



What words will you share today?

Will they uplift and encourage,
or upset and discourage?

Will you lighten someone’s load
when burdens wear them down;
will you brighten their road
when darkness surrounds?

Say something – Make a difference…

.… —-> Continue…

What is more important?

What are you doing right now
that is more important than changing the World?

That annoying question popped up
for me while I was shaving.
At first I thought it was directed at me -
because at times I find myself caught up
in petty pursuits that have no real
meaning in the big scheme of Life.… —-> Continue…

Would you have stopped?

It’s dark out and I’m driving with my
son across the 205 bridge from
Portland to Vancouver. Actually,
I’m doing all the driving – his legs
are too short to reach the pedals
and he doesn’t have a license yet.

All of a sudden the car stalls
and the engine stops.… —-> Continue…



Here we are – facing a Happy New Year!

Now, I know a lot of people around the new year have
spent time making resolutions to finding solutions
to things that weren’t quite so right last year.
A new year…
What better time for a fresh start, right?

—-> Continue…

Are you just killing time?

By the time you had your 1st Birthday
(Happy belated Birthday !) the earth
spun around the sun and you passed
the 31,536,000 second mark.

Over an average lifetime,
that’s 2,112,912,000 seconds !!!

Just think about it -
TWO BILLION seconds.… —-> Continue…

Count your blessings – don’t compare them…

It’s funny – the things we complain about.
2 days ago I was complaining about Facebook, yet it’s
been Facebook that has brought me in touch with some
of those who are my dearest friends and loved ones.
Found myself grumbling the other day now that I finally got
the Datsun running & on the road, and here comes the rain.… —-> Continue…

Because that’s what there is to do

It’s midnight,  Sunday.
I’m sitting in my Jeep at a rest stop.
Some things can’t wait.
Ever since last night a line
has been repeating itself
over and over in my head.

“There are bigger things at work here…”

It’s a line (or close to it) from
one of the Spider Man movies.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2