About Unleash Yourselves


Posts by Unleash Yourselves:

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made…

We all reach a point where we say enough is enough, and refuse
to continue selling ourselves short and settling for a life of “less than”.

And yet… how often do we stop at the next rung of the ladder,
claiming we’ve reached the “Promised Land”, simply because
we experience a view different than the one we left behind?… —-> Continue…

What is your intention today?

What is your intention today?
Did you have one this morning,
or is much of your life casual
and on cruise control?

Every beautiful moment of your life
will pass and if you continue leaving
the life you desire to chance -
it will pass you by indifferently.… —-> Continue…

What will save you?

The story has been told about a man
who was at home taking a nap,
when suddenly there was a frantic
pounding on his front door.
Opening the door, a young boy
hurriedly informed him that a flood
was coming and that he needed
to evacuate immediately.… —-> Continue…

Sometimes… a little goes a long way

I’d like you to watch this video:


I’ve noticed this both from observation
and from being on both sides of the fence -
there are far more who give not from abundance,
but from a place of compassion and understanding.… —-> Continue…

WHAT IF you gave your all?



There is a question that I must ask you…
I feel like it has to be just the right question
or else the answer -
the real answer
will never be found.

So, I’m going to throw a few of the many not “right” ones
out there in an effort to find just the right one :)

What would you rather be doing?… —-> Continue…


We seek the comfortable and convenient, while we
yearn for safety in the still waters of complacency.
We hide from conflict and adversity as we search
for the easier way, never rocking the boat.
We live the lie that this… THIS… is Life.… —-> Continue…

Who you are makes a difference…


Have I told you lately…

Wait a minute.
It doesn’t matter if I have;
you’re going to hear this anyway -
so listen up…. Please   :)

When I tell you that you may not know
the difference you have made in my Life,
I hope you do not take that lightly -
for I doubt you will ever know in this Lifetime
the impact that will have made for countless others…

So I am sharing this with you as it, along with so many
other forces keeps me picking myself up off the floor
and walking another day with hope and a smile.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2