About Unleash Yourselves


Posts by Unleash Yourselves:

It may not be the Gift, but the Gateway…


The things we do for
and share with others
may not be the Gift,
but instead the Gateway
to directing them to it…



Christmas… shoes and Spirit

Whenever I used to call someone on the phone
I would ask them; “Is this a good time to call ?”
or “Did I catch you at a good time ?”

Now – I’m not exactly on the phone with you, but still…
Did I catch you at a good time ?… —-> Continue…

Take the First Step!


Some time ago, I ran across this
quote by Martin Luther King, Jr.

“You don’t have to see
the whole staircase,
just take the first step.”

When I read this, I pictured a spiral staircase -
one that quickly turned out of sight as it twisted upward.… —-> Continue…

In Ever Loving Memory of Dad…

“Will you be a pallbearer?” he asked me.
I looked at him – not understanding the question.
A pallbearer is someone who helps carry a casket
at a funeral, and we weren’t having a funeral.
We were just… we were just here.… —-> Continue…

Are You Ready? When Will You Be??


Wouldn’t it be great
if 5 years from now you could look at Monday May 10, 2021
as the day that changed your Life – the day that you decided
to finally put more energy and faith into your beliefs
than you do your fears, doubts, and excuses.… —-> Continue…

I Dare You to LIVE!


We seek the comfortable and convenient, while we
yearn for safety in the still waters of complacency.
We hide from conflict and adversity as we search
for the easier way, never rocking the boat.
We live the lie that this… THIS… is Life.… —-> Continue…

Healthcare “crisis” is a result of our own health care

sick-as-a-dog-350wYou know what’s an interesting thought, is that across the board the US can chalk up the majority of it’s health concerns on a terrible diet.

I’m painting with pretty broad strokes here, and it’s not political (sorry) – but ignorance is not bliss when it comes to preventative health.… —-> Continue…

You can find stories like this and more here in the book "Living for a Lifetime" Get your copy today! cover-LFAL-thumb-sm2